News from West Africa
Connect Global was able to work an alliance to help send two families of workers from Venezuela to West Africa. J.R. went as a single man but now is married to a local believer.
He is working in a rural part of the country, helping with the oppressive need of feeding children, but most importantly he is starting local house churches in those rural areas.
We also helped to send another couple from Venezuela; A. and Y. are working in a larger city. When they went, they were just 2, but now God has increased their tribe to 3!
Luis Jose was born a few months ago to his parents, and is the joy of their lives. A. and Y. are doing a wonderful work, not only in feeding and taking in street children, but in church planting as well.Pray for them, A. has to travel to Venezuela to renew his passport, and procure a passport for their son, this process could take a long time.