What God is doing with Latin American workers in unreached people groups
This year God has allowed us to help send even more Latin American workers to North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. One Peruvian family now serving in North Africa is already seeing fruit, they are planting the church in a city in North Africa where there is no church. Another Venezuelan family we were able to help send to one of the most closed countries in Central Asia have connected with a group of Latin American woman that married mslm men and started working with them. Now have nearly 40 woman attending their Bible study and later this month in a Christmas service where they will be sharing with their husbands and children about Christ. Please pray for this family in one of the most strategic counties in the mslm world, where Christianity is illegal, and many Christians are imprisoned. Mentoring the churches of the BCBC (Baja California Baptist Convention) we were able to send a single lady to another Central Asian country where she is sharing Christ with her neighbors, and even started a Bible study with them. Two other Venezuelan units we were able to help send to Senegal have made incredible inroads for he Gospel in that mslm country. One couple has led a leader among the Fulani (one of the hardest people groups to reach) and now are discipling him and now two other Fulani's have come to faith in Christ and the church of Jesus Christ is emerging in spite of persecution and difficulty. The other unit in the capital city is starting churches among the "Seres" and seeing great fruit. A Salvadorian couple that is working with refugee's in Central Asia has already seen over 150 baptized and 8 new house churches started!
Just a few years ago, we were sending teams to Latin America, now they are sending their own members to plant the church among the least reached people groups where there is no church. God is mobilizing the Latin American church to raise up a new generation of missionaries, to some of the hardest and darkest areas of the word. Connect Global has now helped Latin American churches send 46 families to unreached peoples.