Christmas among Refugee's

When we think of the next country, the words that immediately come to mind are: War, Refugee's and unfortunately Terrorism. None the less, we were able to help send Dr. V.T. a Peruvian gynecologist and E. and I, a Mexican pastor and his family to this area.

They are making an indelible impact in the local population and helping plant, grow, and extend a house church network in this area, but also reach out to the hundreds of thousands of refugee's that have flooded into this country. They recently had a Christmas celebration with the local church they work with, (E.H. is helping to disciple the house church pastor), they had over 150 locals (the majority mslms) that came to hear the story of Jesus's birth and many openly professed faith in Christ in this celebration! Then they went to a nearby city and helped Dr. V.T. with her 5th Baby Bazar and Christmas service were they had another 150 woman, (and even men and children came), where they too were able to tell the Christmas story in the local language, and in Arabic for the refugee woman and they had others that decided to follow Christ! Thank you for participating in our end of the year offering, we were able to help them provide needed supplies for many of the refugee's. In the midst of a war torn country, where there is frankly just not a lot of good news, this is GOOD NEWS: God is being glorified, and followed among unreached.

Why? Because a pastor and his family from Mexico, and a doctor from Peru decided to live intentionally the Great Commandment and obey intentionally the Great Commission.

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Our mission is to engage churches churches all over the world, especially in Latin America and U.S. to embrace God's heart for the nations.

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