
Mobilization in Peru Vida Nueva en Arequipa

"Global Focus has changed our church 180 degree's, now then entire church is focused on The Mission, and almost everyone is participating." This was the testimony of one of the Global Team lay leaders at Vida Nueva B.C. in Arequipa, but it is also the sentiment of the pastor Vargas, and many church members. This past week I was able to mentor them in the last module of our missional process. Thirty of their leaders came together for 2 days to learn how to help every member of the church find their Kingdom assignment and live their lives missionally.

As a result of Global Focus's impact in this church, their young people and adults have started local several missions project reaching people locally, they are participating in missions in other areas of Peru and South America, and now they are taking as church their first cross cultural missions trip to work with Peruvian workers that we helped to send to North Africa. Another first for Vida Nueva is that at the end of this year, they will launch their first family as cross cultural workers to Southeast Asia to reach mslms and do church planting. Now pastor Vargas is mentoring churches in other parts of Peru and Pastor Caruachin is mentoring churches in Bolivia this week and also and other parts of Peru. God is mobilizing His church in Latin America to help finish the task of reaching the nations.

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