These are my best leaders, recruit them for the Mission field….

One of the activities we suggest is a time with all of the missionaries and all of the church leadership together, to see how we can better partner together for the Kingdom of God. Before the meeting, pastor Alejandro told all of the missionaries, "These are 150 of my best leaders, recruit them to the mission field. I don't want to build a church full of leaders, I want to impact the Kingdom of God with my leaders!"

One of my friends from Bolivia who was with me visiting, who smuggles Bibles into totally closed countries was so overwhelmed by this pastors attitude of recruiting his leaders for the mission field, said "I have never seen that attitude of a Kingdom mentality so prevalent in a pastor". I told him; "this is what God is doing all over Latin America in churches that are implementing a new paradigm in missions."

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Our mission is to engage churches churches all over the world, especially in Latin America and U.S. to embrace God's heart for the nations.

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