
Why do Latin American travel to Central Asia?

So why would 14 Latin Americans from Bolivia, Venezuela, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic travel to Central Asia to participate in a "book" distribution project? Many of our team members sacrificially spent well over one months salary just to be able to participate in this project.

Just a few years ago, this would not have been the scenario; the more likely scenario would have been a group of North Americans traveling to these same Latin American countries to do VBS, or an evangelistic project or help them build their church building. But Global Focus is helping to transform missions in Latin America.

Churches all over are learning that the main purpose of church is the mission, and not the buildings. That missions is both local and global, and everyone should be involved, not just missionaries.

So the natural response of these churches is to personally participate in projects outside of their own Jerusalem and Judea, and even go beyond their own Samaria, go to the Ends of the Earth. Leading missiologist say that the next wave of missionaries will not come from the Global North, but from the Global South. I am excited knowing that Global Focus is having a paramount part in helping to facilitate this movement.

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Our mission is to engage churches churches all over the world, especially in Latin America and U.S. to embrace God's heart for the nations.

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