First Global Focus Latin America Facilitators Meeting in San Salvador.
Ever since I have started mentoring churches in Latin America in the Global Focus Missional Process I have been totally overwhelmed by the demand to mentor even more churches. Global Focus has made a huge impact on those churches that have implemented the process into the life of their church. The only way to expand this missional process in Latin America was to train more leaders to mentor even more churches. So one of the things I am most excited about in our ministry is the meeting we had last week in San Salvador at Miramonte Baptist Church.
"Ten men from Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, El Salvador and the U.S. came together for 48 hours of training, all of the whom except one, are pastors of very successful churches that have implemented Global Focus in their own churches and are now starting to mentor other churches in this same process. We spent 4 days, 12 hours a day, in a conference room, learning how to mentor churches churches in the same process that has made an indelible impact in their own ministries. Not only was I able to teach them how to mentor churches and groups of pastors, but we were also able to make many contextual corrections in the seminar, and the 6 implementation modules. This was a long and arduous process, but it needed to be men who had implemented Global Focus in their own churches, and understood the objectives of each one of the modules.
"So what are the real implications to having now having more men mentor churches in the Global Focus Missional Process?
"It is to multiply exponentially a missional process that has already mobilized: Tens of thousands of more people involved in missions through their own local churches, both locally and globally.
Churches in Latin America are now taking missions trips on their own, to ethnic groups within Latin America, and unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window. A comprehensi-ve prayer strategy has been implemented in hundreds of churches. where they are praying every service for missions and missionaries.We are able to help facilitate sending even more missionaries from Latin America to the unreached and now it is almost entirely funded by those same churches in Latin America. Now with more men helping to implement Global Focus in even more church, we expect to see a greatly multiplication this great movement of God.
I would also personally like to express my gratitude to those that helped some of the pastors attend, especially the Venezuelan pastors whose economy has been decimated. Without your partnership, this monumental meeting could not have taken place. Thank you!