Cubans to the Nations
God has done some of the most incredible things in some of the most difficult and dangerous places. If you look where God is most actively working today, it is not in the open and easy places, but in the hard places, where Christians are persecuted. I think that should say to us that God is about His glory, and He is inviting us to join in with what He is already doing. Such a place is Cuba, my wife just returned from Cuba a few weeks ago, and will be there again in a couple of more weeks.
I had the opportunity to be in Havana last week with Pastor Jesus Guillen director of Desafio Mundial (World Challenge) from Houston, TX, and with Karell Lescaille the director of Missions for the Western Baptist Convention (Cubanos a las Naciones - Cubans to the Nations). God has been doing an incredible work in a country that for many years was closed, but not to the Spirit of God. God has done some of the most incredible things in some of the most difficult and dangerous places.
Today there are tens of thousands of autonomous house churches all over the island of Cuba, and for the first time on half a century Cubans can leave their country legally.
The reason I went, if because we have helped Desafio Mundial facilitate the sending of some of our Venezuelan candidates to West Africa. Now they have asked us to help them in sending a Cuban couple that will be leaving this month to work on the same team. In Cuba there are not only dozens of candidates prepared practically in house church planting, but also theologically and missiologically.
Because of the severe economic conditions that still exist, the majority of financial support has to come outside of Cuba, even though they are participating at 20%, that is a much greatersacrifice than the partners.
Connect Global/Global Focus hopes to help facilitate the sending of many more of our Cuban workers to the nations. We believe that a church that has been persecuted, and grown in spite of the obstacles, is uniquely prepared to make a difference in the mslm world. Pray that God would continue to open a "door of opportunity" for our Cuban brothers and sisters to the nations.