Christmas in the Middle East.

Christmas is not celebrated in this particular country in the Middle East, missionaries are not allowed, and Christianity is an illegal religion. But we were able to help send Dominican businessman M.S. to this country, he has since opened a for profit business and now has 140 employee's. Even though M. is there for business reasons, he has been open about his own faith in Christ, talks about his personal relationship with Christ to his employee's and business associates.

Because of that openness he was able to have a Christmas breakfast for his employee's and invite them to attend, of the 140 employee's nearly 100 of them attended where they were able to hear the Christmas story. The 2 take aways here are:
1. When we intentionally live out the Great Commandment and obey the Great Commission, God opens very unique doors that no man or government can close.
2. God is using men and woman in their own professions to take the Gospel to the unreached!

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Our mission is to engage churches churches all over the world, especially in Latin America and U.S. to embrace God's heart for the nations.

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