Christmas in Central Asia

The next story takes place in a country that incarcerates followers of Christ, the Bible is prohibited, and in the news almost every day. L. and E. and their family moved intentionally to this country also on a business platform from Venezuela.

We have worked with them for nearly 5 years, and this past year God sovereignly opened the door for them to go. Financially is has not been easy at all, their home country is collapsing economically and their business has not taken off, it that were not enough, all of their bank accounts were recently frozen and they were left with literally no money. (Praise God, part of our end of the year offering we were able to raise enough money to keep them afloat for next several months). But, despite all of these extreme difficulties, God has proven to them that this move was His will, and He is

already working in this country. Through contacts in Latin American embassies in this country they found a considerable group of Latin American woman that had married (mslm) men from this country.

They began reaching out to them, and now have started a Bible study and have over 40 ladies attend every week! This Christmas they were able to invite many of their children and even husbands to a Christmas celebration in one of the homes, and share Christ with them. Please pray for this Venezuelan family as they live out the Great Commandment in obedience to the Great Commission.

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Our mission is to engage churches churches all over the world, especially in Latin America and U.S. to embrace God's heart for the nations.

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