Report from North Africa trip.
These past 10 days, my wife was able to participate on a trip to North Africa as well, and work with an Argentine family that we have worked with, and helped to form an alliance with Blackshear Baptist in Flowery Branch, GA (Northeast Metro Atlanta area), and have been serving there for over 2 and a half years. She and a team from "La Iglesia", Pastor Daniel Santander's new church, were able to go and work with A. and M. in another city of North Africa. They were able to teach classes in centers that help children with handicaps. They were also able to visit "the farm" which has been a project that A. and M. have put together to help the followers of Christ have an income. (Many followers of Christ in this country loose their employment for following Christ). They were also able to go and encourage new believers in Christ, but said that they came away much more encouraged.
Connect Global has helped to send now 6 families to this country in North Africa, but we still have 6 more units we are helping to send from Venezuela, Mexico and a Hispanic family from Atlanta, to this same country.
"The harvest is truly plentiful, but the labors are few, pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth more laborers." Pray for these units that are prepared to go, but are still lacking the funding to arrive on this field. We can multiply the efforts of taking the Gospel to unreached people, but the only way is to send more labors to the fields.